Tuesday, May 26, 2009

this one should have been first ~ scotty finally made it...

we are soooooo glad to have scotty here in korea with us. it is so fun to be able to share, with someone else, all the sights and sounds of daily life in seoul. there is so much more than words and pictures can describe! the girls and i met him at the airport last thursday afternoon. i thought they were going to knock him over when they ran to hug him. especially since he had been traveling for almost 24 hours at that point.

he did really well with jet lag. i think he may have a little adrenaline from the excitement of being here. he came to my class friday afternoon so we could leave straight for the train after school. my kids were cracking me up. they loved trying to teach him to say a few different words and then they wanted him to play with them. at the end of the day sammy said, "today was the greatest day, cause he was here!" the first thing i heard monday morning was... "when is your brother coming back?" :)

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